My 2 yr old loves to \”moo\” at anyone who will listen. Oh, how it stops my heart. And oh, how I will someday miss it.PS: I must ask you, a foodie, your thoughts on Marion Nestle's food bible, \”What to eat.\” {I loved it, and I'm not even a foodie.}
Debbi Does Dinner Healthy
This picture envoked my 2 year old twins to suddenly chant MOO MOO MOO MOO over and over again for about 10 minutes. So much for wordless wednesdays.
I don't know why, but I always think that cows look very wise.
Cool Lassi(e)
A very calm and composed looking cow!
Ohhh… have a great fondness for cows and their eyes.
Deana Sidney
velva that is one gorgeous cow… she looks so healthy and happy!
Hungry Dog
Sweet little cow.
petite nyonya
I heart this picture! Mooo moo..just so cute!
Lazaro Cooks
Beautiful vibrant photo.
Mary Bergfeld
I love this picture:-). Do you think she's a California cow? Have a wonderful day. Blessings…Mary
No words needed, great picture.Mimi
T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types
One word. Moo.
I'm thinkin.. Milk.. or steak.. LOL
I just want to rub that velvety nose.
haha…I wonder what is the cow thinking!! He's probably thinking, 'I'm a celebrity now!\” 😀
Cute! A gorgeous picture!
The cow is great but I love the sunlight and the colour of the grass.
La Bella Cooks
Ha, how cute! You almost want to give him a hug!
too cute..sweetlife
Eat Mor Chikun
Susan Fields
I love to see that these cows are standing in grass – that's where they belong!
Really cute.
My 2 yr old loves to \”moo\” at anyone who will listen. Oh, how it stops my heart. And oh, how I will someday miss it.PS: I must ask you, a foodie, your thoughts on Marion Nestle's food bible, \”What to eat.\” {I loved it, and I'm not even a foodie.}
The Absence of Alternatives
My dad loves to say that I have cow eyes. Now I am not sure that he meant it as a ridicule. 😉
Roofing Contractors NYC
nice post thanks for sharing with us
Katy ~
Isn't she beautiful? So soulful!
I love wordless Wednesday – such a fab idea. This could so easily be Devon here in the UK!