Cork Talk
A November Celebration: Wine and the French Way of Life
We arrived in November, when Bordeaux settles into a slower, more intimate rhythm. The summer crowds departed, leaving behind a place that felt more authentic, more in tune with its true self. The locals reclaimed their cafés. The markets hummed at a relaxed pace, and a crisp autumn air carried the scent of fallen
Cork Talk
Canary Island Wines: Land of Ash and Vine
The Spanish Canary Islands is a chain of seven volcanic islands off the western coast of Africa. These islands represent an extraordinary place on earth where the natural elements of water, earth, air, and fire converge. These Islands have endured the ravages of volcanic eruptions and droughts to create a landscape which produces some of
Food + Drink
Papas Arrugadas (Wrinkled Potatoes) with Canarian Red Sauce (Mojo Rojo)
I am thinking of where to begin my Canary Island journey with you. There are many angles, the landscape, the food, THE WINE. After going back and forth, I decided to start with a special rustic dish revered in the Canary Islands called Papas Arrugadas which translates to ‘Wrinkled Potatoes’. In the past, Canarians boiled
Cork Talk
A Wine Adventure in Lodi California
2:36 a.m. (Daylight Savings Time-an hour already lost) Awake with anxiety I might oversleep, and twenty minutes before my alarm, I stumbled out of bed. Indulge me for a few minutes with this read while I take you on my first solo wine travel adventure through the wine region of Lodi California. Thirty-five miles south
Ramblings and Rants
Off the Beaten Path
“Our lives are defined by opportunity, even the ones we miss.” ~The Curious Case of Benjamin Button I am a firm believer in opportunity, and I believe opportunities present themselves every day to us. We may or may not be aware when an opportunity knocks, or what would have happened, if we said “yes” instead
Cork Talk
Garlic Shrimp (Gambas al Ajillo)
Spanish cuisine is focused on creating dishes that use fresh ingredients reflective of the region it is produced or grown. Spanish olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, eggs, and the smoky spice of paprika are commonly shared ingredients you will find in many Spanish dishes. There is an intrinsic understanding that what grows together, goes together in